Karuvi -Jaffna


Karuvi changed its location on 4th March 2014

Karuvi changed its location on 4th March 2014

Karuvi changed its location on 4th March 2014 from its former place No.90, Senguntha Veethy, Thirunelvely East, Jaffna, Sri Lanka to the new location at 1166/15, Arulambalam Veethy, Nallur North, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. People interested, Donors and Well-wishers are requested to note this change of address and continue their correspondence to this new address.

Dr. R. Gobith visited the Organization on 1st March 2014 and discussed interested matters. He made the arrangements to design and open the Website for the Organization and Karuvi wish to express its sincere thanks to Dr. R. Gobith.

Mr. T. Thirumayuran took the steps to register the organization to get legal entity which facilitates Karuvi to conduct its activities towards the people with differently abled (disabled) law-fully.

State Bank of India donated a set of moulds for candles manufacturing on 28 February, 2014. Mr. V. Sivabalan, Manager of the Jaffna Branch represented and donated the moulds.

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